Welcome to our Global Home Indexes webpage!
These indexes are created with one thing in mind and this is
to give Hong Kong home owners a rough sense of how many prescribed typical
overseas homes the average priced Hong Kong home may buy at any given time
period. Overtime, perhaps one may observe certain trends among the markets
and / or may even compare prices to help in assessing the relative viability
of the markets. In the current period, the indexes indicate that an average
priced Hong Kong home may be traded for approximately:
Archive 2005
Archive 2006
Archive 2007
Archive 2008
Archive 2009
Archive 2010
Archive 2011
Archive 2012
Archive 2013
Archive 2014
Archive 2015
Archive 2016
Archive 2017
A) 1.80 homes in London-UK
2.03 homes in Greater Vancouver
C) 2.79 homes in Greater Toronto
0.52 home in Manhattan of New York City
E) 2.85 homes in Metropolitan Beijing
1.95 homes in Metropolitan Shanghai
compared to last year,
the amount of homes for which a typical Hong Kong home can be
traded has
increased in
the markets
except New York City where
there is a slight drop.
have also calculated the residential price indexes based on their respective
currencies for each of the markets during various combinations of years
(note Beijing and Shanghai start from 2004) to see which market would give
residential real estate investors the best possible return, based purely on
price appreciation, during the various periods.
have also compiled a chart showing the return (Y axis) and risk (X axis) of
each market and broadly speaking, the China markets of Hong Kong, Beijing,
and Shanghai offer higher returns and higher risks, while the North American
and English markets offer lower returns along with lower risks.
We have also listed the supportive charts below for reference.
There are 3 for each market: one being the price of the prescribed typical
overseas home in the overseas and Hong Kong currencies; the second being the
prices of the prescribed typical overseas home and the average priced Hong
Kong home expressed in Hong Kong currency; and the third being their
respective indexes:
The following markets or cities
have been included to date:
London in the UK
= the prescribed typical home is a 3 bedroom townhouse in a suburban or non-CBD
Greater Vancouver
= the prescribed typical home is a 3-4 bedroom single detached house built
of timber frame with a single or double garage set in a typical suburban
Greater Toronto
= the prescribed typical home is a 4 bedroom single detached house built of
timber frame with a single or double garage set in a typical suburban
Manhattan of New York City
= the prescribed typical home is a 3 bedroom condominium apartment in a low,
medium, or high rise building.
Metropolitan Beijing
the prescribed typical home is a 3 bedroom condominium apartment in a medium
to high rise building set in a suburban or non-CBD location.
Metropolitan Shanghai
the prescribed typical home is a 3 bedroom condominium apartment in a medium
to high rise building set in a suburban or non-CBD location.
Other markets or cities may be added later.
Please note the following
when referring to the indexes:
These indexes are meant for quick and rough references only
and are derived from rough data and simple calculations. These are not
products of complex data and sophisticated formulae.
The data sources
are deemed to be reliable and professional yet no comprehensive examination
or verification of their accuracy or applicability was done.
Readers, users, and investors
referring to the indexes should bear this in mind and no liability or
responsibility of any kind is assumed or taken up by Zeppelin and its staff
members, mangers, directors, executives, associates, consultants, advisors,
professionals, and the like for errors, omissions, and mistakes that may be
contained herein. Proper professional assistance and advice should be sought
for individual cases, circumstances, or investment opportunities.
The selection of the ¡§prescribed¡¨ typical homes
in the overseas markets may harbor some degree of subjectivity and each
market may differ in the house type being chosen. For instance, while for
most North American markets the single detached house is the typical norm,
certain cities may have other more prevalent home types ranging from
townhouses to high rise condominium apartments.
Generally average home prices in nominal terms
are used and thus there is always the possibility that such average prices
may have been skewed up or down in any given time period if there are more
expensive or more inexpensive homes transacted during the time period in
question. Nonetheless, this possibility may be reduced in some ways if the
market is sufficiently huge and / or with the data coming from several
No adjustments
have been made for inflation, deflation, and the like except for currency
exchange rates.
The following data and information resources
have been utilized in deriving the indexes and acknowledgement is hereby
given to them:
a) Hong Kong Centa-City index of Centaline Agency
b) UK Communities and Government sources
c) Canadian Real Estate Association website
d) Toronto Real Estate Board
Miller Samuel Appraisers and Consultants in New York City
f) Centaline (China) website
Global Property Guide
Various City Statistics Bureaus in China
The article and/or content contained herein are for general reference only
and are not meant to substitute for proper professional advice and/or due
diligence. The author(s) and Zeppelin, including its staff, associates,
consultants, executives and the like do not accept any responsibility or
liability for losses, damages, claims and the like arising out of the use or
reference to the content contained herein.